SDG 11

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SDG 11 is: "Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable." This is an SDG badge.

Meerkat requirements

This was part of the 2021 National Meerkat Challenge.

  1. As a Den complete a special project to help people in your community focus on greening the community or making it more beautiful. (As part of this requirement you could complete the Community challenge badge.)

Cub requirements

This was part of the 2021 National Cub Challenge. Complete TWO of the following:

  1. Explain the difference between air pollution and climate change.
  2. Create a poster on how climate change can affect your community.
  3. As a Pack, help your community to clean up your street and raise awareness on littering.
  4. Find out about diseases caused by climate change.
  5. Write six challenges of living in urban communities and six challenges of living in rural communities

Scout requirements

Complete THREE of the following:

  1. Visit your local neighbourhood watch and understand the current challenges affecting your local community.
  2. Take part in a community based activity for a period of 3 months.
  3. Complete the Disaster Risk Management interest badge.
  4. Complete either the Food for Life Starter or Food for Life Silver.
  5. Conduct a research project on how climate change is affecting the community and present your findings on a poster. Present this to your Patrol.
  6. Find out about the processes available to encourage public participation and involvement in your municipal Integrated Development Plan (IDP). (Refer to local government websites for further info).

Rover requirements

  1. Complete ONE award:
    1. Earn the Community Service Award.
    2. Earn the Emergency Service Award.
  2. Complete ONE requirement:
    1. Assist with a community service programme for 3 months or more that assists in providing resources to areas in need.
    2. With your Crew, develop a short video/presentation of this goal and present it to a Scout Troop or another Scouting body.
    3. Complete ONE task regarding your municipal Integrated Development Plan (IDP):
      1. Attend a public meeting or ward meeting where the municipal IDP is discussed. Provide feedback on what your Crew believes to be the priority projects for your area.
      2. Provide written comment on your municipal IDP highlighting the needs of your community. (Refer to local government websites for further info).

Adult requirements

Complete ONE requirement applicable to the branch you are working in:

  1. Plan a joint outing to appreciate the culture and natural heritage and what to do to look after it.
  2. Organise a speaker to talk about different careers in architecture, urban planning, etc.
  3. Find out more about the Careers Expo.

See also