Adult training

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Adult training provides Scouters and other adult volunteers with the skills to fulfil their role in the Scout Group.

We provide our volunteers with the tools and tips to help you feel trained, supported and happy in your role. Volunteers are the essence of Scouting and we want you to get every bit as much out of it as you put in.

We know that Scouting is not only about young people, but also about the development of our volunteers. To support Scout volunteers, you are required to complete a training programme made up of mandatory, role specific and ongoing learning. The training programme builds on your existing skills and knowledge and some elements count towards externally-recognised awards.

Find out about the training required for your role, building on your existing skills and knowledge. Ask your Scout Group Leader (SGL) / District Commissioner (DC) or Regional Team Coordinator: Adult Leader Training (RTC:ALT) about the training needed to improve your role in Scouting.

Regional training courses are provided by SCOUTS South Africa’s experienced Training Team. Contact your Regional Office to inquire about course dates, availability and to apply.

Training stages

There are three levels of courses:

  1. Introduction to Adult Leadership (IAL)
  2. Warrant training
  3. Wood Badge

This is Scouting for Adults

This stage is completed prior to admission as an Adult Member. It will normally be completed through reading the “This is Scouting for Adults” booklet and an assessment of understanding, at an interview with a Rover Scouter, Rover Crew Committee, Scout Group Leader, or District Commissioner.

Stage One, Introduction to Adult Leadership Training

Competency in the outcomes of stage one training is expected before a Limited Warrant for any position will be issued.

The Limited Warrant which is issued after this stage of training will only be valid for 18 months.

This first Warrant permits a Scouter to take sole responsibility for Youth (Meerkats, Cubs or Scouts) and run Den, Pack and Troop meetings at the regular meeting place. It will not entitle them to be responsible for Meerkats, Cubs or Scouts at any other venue, or on outings or activities away from the normal meeting venue.

Stage Two, Warrant Training

On achieving competency in the Modules of Stage Two Training application may be made for their Warrant for this Role.

The warrant issued after this stage of training will permit a Scouter to take sole responsibility for Youth Members and run Den, Pack or Troop meetings at any meeting place. It will enable them to be responsible for Meerkats, Cubs or Scouts on any land-based activity at any dry land venue, including day outings, walks or hikes.

Depending on the Branch, (Meerkat, Cub, Scout) additional training is required for overnight activities (hikes and camps) or any specialist event like air or water activities. The appropriate Activity Licence is required before the Scouter can take responsibility for such activities.

Stage Three, Wood Badge Training

Completion of this training and assessment of Competency will entitle the Scouter to be awarded and wear a Wood Badge.

In this stage of training, for each role, there are some compulsory Modules and a range of elective modules. To complete the training a Scouter must be competent in the compulsory Modules as well as in a defined number of elective modules, which can be selected according to the Scouter’s areas of interest.

Specific training

In addition to the stages of training, a number of additional courses are available, such as First Aid or Water Awareness.

Training per branch

Meerkat Den Cub Pack Scout Troop Rover Crew Scout Group
  • Introduction to Adult Leadership (IAL)
  • Meerkat Warrant
  • Cub Warrant
  • Jungle Background
  • Cub camping
  • Rover Warrant
  • SGL Warrant

Training for administrators

After admission as an Adult Member the training needs of Administrators must be assessed on an individual basis and will depend on the role for which they are appointed. Training Courses for members of Group Committees will be provided, but other training will probably be role specific and may be less formal.

See also