Rover Going-Up Ceremony

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The Rover Going-Up Ceremony should be used by Rover Crews and Scout Troops to welcome Scouts who have reached their 18th birthday and completed the Rover Network Badge into the Rover Crew. Each Crew is encouraged to adapt the ceremony to their own unique needs and traditions.

Traditional Going-Up Ceremony

The Scout Troop stands in a horseshoe formation, with the Troop Scouter in the opening, with the Rover Scouter or Crew Council chairperson and Rovers behind them
TS: [Candidate] has [Years] years of service as a Scout and is now old enough to become a Rover. I recommend them as a fit candidate and I hope you will be prepared to accept them as a Rover
RS/Chair: (To Candidate) Is it your own wish to complete your Scout training in the Rover Crew?
Candidate: It is
RS/Chair: Then the Crew is willing to accept you.
TS/GS I want you to know how glad we all are that you are taking this further step forward and wish you happiness and success in your Rovering
RS/Chair: Rovering is about the Open Air and Service, and I remind you that it is now your duty to prepare yourself to for full membership of the crew, to which I now entrust you to your sponsors who will assist you in your efforts
Sponsors shake hands with the candidate
Candidate turns about and faces the troops and salutes them
They salute and may give the candidate 3 cheers, yell or applaud