Adult Leaders

From SCOUTS South Africa Wiki
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Welcome to the Adult Leaders Wiki page

The role of adult leaders in Scouting is to inspire and guide the youth. Scouting has many faces across the world, but it is universally acknowledged as being the only youth programme that develops young people by using a balanced programme of activities designed to help prepare them to cope with the world as responsible citizens and balanced human beings. We trust that you will have an enriching and enjoyable experience as a volunteer in SSA!

Adult roles

Adults in a Scout Group are called Scouters and fulfil different roles depending on the position they hold.

  • Adults enable scouting to take place... scouting started before adults were recruited into the organisation,
  • The role of the adult is to inspire and guide the Scouts... not to run or manage the Scouts. This naturally differs for the Meerkat and Cub branches.
  • The position is a role that is played in the community... and not a rank!
  • Mentoring and coaching are probably the key virtues that an adult can bring to the organisation.

See what specific roles are available for adult volunteers in Scouting!

Adult leader information and resources

Becoming an adult volunteer

Are you excited to become an adult volunteer? More children and youth are asking to be part of the Scouting adventure! For that to be possible we need adults to volunteer their time and expertise.

Want more information on what to expect and which steps to take? This Scouting for Adults will guide you through... becoming an adult volunteer!

What is Scouting about?

The method and purpose of Scouting is education for life, fun for life, and a code for living. The aims are met through the Promise and Law, learning by doing, membership of small groups, and progressive and stimulating programs.


We provide our volunteers with the tools and tips to help you feel trained, supported and happy in your role. Volunteers are the essence of Scouting and we want you to get every bit as much out of it as you put in.

Regional training courses are provided by SCOUTS South Africa’s experienced Training Team. Contact your Regional Office to inquire about course dates, availability and to apply for adult leader training.

Group resources

Behind every successful Scout Group are the adults who run it! This section contains resources for SGLs and Group Committees. Leaders can also contribute material and share ideas with other leaders in the Group resources section.

See also