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An activity is an event for only one group; a Patrol, Troop, Crew. Activities are usually run as day events of only a couple of hours. It should also be noted that ‘Activity’ is sometimes used as an umbrella term for a broader array of scouting events such as camping or expeditions.

Why Activities Are Important

Most Scout events require a lot of planning, Activities on the other hand are quite easy to plan and execute. Activities are important to patrol/group morale, they allow patrol members to form deeper friendships in a (sometimes) non-Scouting environment which helps your patrol function better.

How To Plan An Activity

In most troops anyone from P8 to Troop Leader is allowed to plan an activity for their Patrol and/or Troop. When finished planning submit your planning to your Troop Scouter or Patrol Leader for approval, they may ask you to improve some things or they will approve it. You must then apply for a permit on our National permit system ScoutOps (Click Here).

Once your permit has been approved, just enjoy.

Ideas for scouting activities

Examples of an activity:

  • A Patrol going to the beach on a Saturday afternoon for a swim/day hike.
  • Community service activities: Packing food hampers.
  • Tidying the Quartermaster stores at the Scout hall.