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SDG 2 is: "End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. " This is an SDG badge.

Cub requirements

This was part of the 2019 National Cub Challenge.

Complete TWO of the following:

  1. Start a sustainable food garden in your community and donate the harvest from the garden to a local soup kitchen.
  2. Earn the Gardening interest badge.
  3. Earn the Food for Life badge (10 year olds).
  4. With your Pack start a ‘little goes a long way’ challenge by collecting any spare change. Use the money collected to purchase groceries for a feeding scheme in your community.

Scout requirements

Do any TWO of the following:

  1. Earn at least ONE of the following, which you do not have already:
    1. Food for Life - Starter badge
    2. Food for Life - Silver badge
    3. Food for Life - Gold badge
    4. Gardener interest badge, growing a food crop.
  2. Participate in maintaining a community food garden for at least three months OR volunteer at a soup kitchen for at least three months.
  3. Design an educational poster and use it to train your Patrol on how to care for a vegetable garden.

Rover requirements

Complete TWO of the following:

  1. Assist/co-ordinate the running of the Food for Life Starter or Silver badge programme for a Pack or Troop (80% of the Scouts / Cubs should complete the award).
  2. For a period of three months or more, help a community service programme that assists in providing food/resources to people in need (e.g. soup kitchens, community food collections, etc.) OR earn the Project Award. (Note: This Award can only be recognised for one SDG)
  3. With your Crew develop a short video/presentation of this goal and show it to a Scout Troop or another Scouting body. Share your video/presentation (if digital) with the National Office.

Adult requirements

Complete two of the following:

  1. Identify a lesser known organisation or small group (NGO, CBO, Church congregation etc) and together plan, organise and develop a sustainable vegetable garden. The SSA Food for Life programme contains valuable ideas and information which will help you. The booklets are for sale at your Regional Scout Shop, through the National Scout Shop or online. Be available to advise and assist for 3 months. Keep a journal detailing your progress.
  2. Help out regularly at a soup kitchen for a period of time – but no less than 3 months.
  3. Work with a family to arrange all meals for week for a needy family. This may include some cooking, sourcing ingredients, menu planning etc. Try to help them make sustain better eating.
  4. Find out about at least one company that (re)distributes affordable food. Introduce at least one family to the opportunity that exists and help them benefit from it for at least a week, so they can then continue benefitting.

See also